Hi Everybody,
The image came straight from 3ds max and mental ray.
Photoshop was then employed for the sole purpose of fitting the 3d render onto the Photographs.
The image is part of a number of views produced with a purpose of aiding the architects with their planning application.
The view is verified, which means it was chosen by the local authorities. Furthermore we (GMJ Design Ltd) had employed surveyors to accurately pick the camera points; we then mathematically translated & matched them accurately into 3D.
When rendering with the Max9/Mental Ray for photomontages, it becomes a bit more of a challenge as it is quite fiddly to load photographs of environments which have buildings on, in the background when using the Daylight system for mental ray.
Since we were keen to have the mr Suns highlights reflected onto the materials, the following was done:
For the reflections, photographs of the environment were loaded onto the refraction section of all reflective objects.
Next, the colour of the sky from mr daylight system was matched with the sky of the photograph.
Note that this process will enable us to have both the daylight systems sky colour/suns disk intensity and the photograph reflecting onto the scene.
The render took about an hour and thirty minutes.