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Simple lighting effects that really look cool
Simple lighting effects that really look cool
pawlakt, added 2007-06-21 13:02:06 UTC 56,645 views  Rating:
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Simple lighting effects that really look cool
this is just a simple object with shadows and fog that just tend to look sweet.

first, we will create the object that we will light and make look cool.

1) Create a cylinder with 0 caps, 50 sub axis, and 25 sub height. Make it have a radius of 2 and height of 10. Delete a random number of faces in the cylinder to make it look... holy. ( also delete the top and bottom cap)
click for larger version

2) Make sure that Keep faces together (under Polygons - Tool Options) is checked) Then extude the obj about 1/3 of one of the default squares on the grid.
click for larger version

3)Smooth the object one or two times to make it... smooth
click for larger version

4)Move the object up 5 units, then add a floor and texture them both with whatever textures or shaders you want (I used the bone and metalmania shaders from this site)
click for larger version

5)Add a volume light, translate it on the y axis 5 units, scale it 15 in XYZ. Change it to your favorite color, set the intensity to 2.
6)Add light fog with default settings.
7)turn shadows on and set the resolution to 2000.
8)Add a directional light with a intensity of .25 at an angle to counter the inner light.
9)Render and enjoy
click for larger version