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Creating Character Sets After Setting Animation Curves
Creating Character Sets After Setting Animation Curves
Earl Jordan, added 2009-10-10 08:48:10 UTC 12,178 views  Rating:
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Creating Character Sets After Setting Animation Curves
by: Earl Jordan
This tutorial will show us how to create character sets to skeletons with animation already in place. As a standard operating procedure (SOP), usually we create these character sets before we set keys for animation but for those who forgot this workflow this is what we can do.
The Workflow
Step 1: Open the scene with animation
Step 2:  Be sure no object is selected. In Animation Mode,Select Character>Create Character Set Menu.
          2.1. Edit>Reset Settings to use the default setup.
          2.2. Enter the character name in the Name Box.
          2.3. Click Create Character Set
Step 3: Using the Relationship Editor to include control nodes with animation curves.
          3.1. From the Range Slider, open the Set  Charactre Set Menu and Select Character Sets. A Relationshp Editor for Character Sets will pop-up.
          3.2. Two columns will be displayed. The Character Sets on the Left and all the Objects on the right.
          3.3. Select the character set  that you want to use from the Character Set Column  and
          3.4. Select all the control nodes that you think should be included in that character set from the Object column. You can check in left column the attributes that are loaded in your character set.
Step 3: Check the Graph Editor if all the objects you need to be included are in that character set and their correponding animation curves are shown.
Form here you can already create animation clips from those character sets and use Non-linear Animation techniques.