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Texture Atlas Creation - Python 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Use this script to combine multiple textures and create a texture atlas.

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  • 2016


Last Modified:02/22/2016
File Size: 4.74 KB




General questions

Submitted by: MothKah MothKah
Hi there,
I love the idea of your script! I just have a few questions: it seems to be taking a very long time to execute, is it normal? And can it handle bump maps and spec maps?
Thanks and have a great day!

Replies to this question:

  • Cambriate

    Cambriate said almost 8 years ago:

    It is normal for it to take a little while. It is taking the time to take samples of the original textures, and bake them together. With a lower res image, it will take signficantly less time. I hope that it is still less time than combining the textures and arranging the UVs by hand!
    Right now I am not handling specularity maps, but would consider it in the future. 
    I will have to do more research to support bump maps as it's also possible for people to set up their materials using normal maps and converting between the two of them is not easy and may require use of another software. Also, it's possible that users would be using bump depth values for each object, and combinging textures would make them lose some of that control. 

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