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spPaint3d 1.1.1 for Maya (maya script)

Object placement tool (raycast geometry instancer)

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  • 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

Operating Systems

  • Linux
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Last Modified:05/29/2010
File Size: 188 KB




Jitter and Up Offset questions

Submitted by: mwgriffin mwgriffin
I am having some issues with the jitter function.  It seems to me that it scatters objects, but those objects always end up being positioned away from the surface, instead of in random locations along the surface.  For instance if I were to set the jitter to a relatively high number and then try to paint on a sphere, then I would basically see the form of the sphere offset from the actual sphere.  Is this how it is supposed to function.  Ideally I would think that it would randomly space the objects away from your paint stroke, but also keep them attached to the surface.  If that is not a feature, then I would love to see one like it.

Also does the up offset tool, simply offset the painted objects away from the surface along the y-axis? 

Replies to this question:

  • mwgriffin

    mwgriffin said almost 15 years ago:

    Ok actually I reread the manual and I figured out that indeed the jitter can force objects away from the surface. "If the values are too big, the objects may either be floating or going through the intersected surface as the jitter won't recompute intersections to follow different surface normals." In that case I will request a feature that will "recompute intersections to follow different surface normals."

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