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Slap on Auto Rigging for Body and Face 4.0.1 for Maya (maya script)

A 15 minute setup to Rig any Bipedal character's face and body

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  • 2013

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Last Modified:10/02/2018
File Size: 14.1 MB


Single Mesh models and Additional Joints

Submitted by: Sylker Teles Sylker Teles
Just a couple of dumb questions:

Is it possible to use a single mesh? I mean one mesh for body and head. Do I always need tongue and eyes? Can skip those?

Another matter is what if I want or need an additional joint? It works fine but it gets ignored by script when converting to Unity standards. 


Replies to this question:

  • badmanjam

    badmanjam said about 10 years ago:

    Single Mesh > Unfortunately you will have to have a head separate. The reason being that the script uses head_geo to do things like blendShapes. Same with tongue and eyes Currently the rig does not export additional joints, but I will bring that in. The SOAR system works well to do 90% of your work, but unfortunately you'll have to work out a solution to specific problems you have. The fact that you would like to add joints, I can deal with in the script, so I'll work on it. You will have to stick to the naming conventions, of course! Cheers
  • Sylker Teles

    Sylker Teles said about 10 years ago:

    Segmented meshes aren't really a big deal and I am glad to hear that additional joints will be possible in the future. Meanwhile I am adding them after converting for Unity. It's working very well. Thanks and good work.

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