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Slap on Auto Rigging for Body and Face 4.0.1 for Maya (maya script)

A 15 minute setup to Rig any Bipedal character's face and body

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  • 2013

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Last Modified:10/02/2018
File Size: 14.1 MB


Can I add additional joints?

Submitted by: C-bas C-bas
Hi badmanjam!  So, I love your Slap-on Auto Rigging software!  It's so easy to use!  But I am concerned about something:  So, I need to add additional joints to the rig that Slap-on provides for me, things like controls for the collar, sleeve, hair, and extra loose solid objects on the character's jacket.  Will adding additional joints before running the Slap-on Script cause issues?  I would greatly appreciate the help!

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    badmanjam said over 8 years ago:

    Hey, really happy you like Slap On! As far as extra rigging is concerned, because of the thousands of lines of code that gets run during the slap on script, there is just too much that can go wrong if you have extra rigging in the scene before you run it. Best to add your rig afterwards. Now, if you have already started on your extra rig, save it out as an extra rig file. Then take out all your rig nodes so you only have geometry left. Then run the slap on setup. Now you can import your rig and skin it as you need to. Slap on has always been the intention to be a strong base for extra rigging to go ontop. Hope that helps.
  • C-bas

    C-bas said over 8 years ago:

    So, you're saying that all the extra joints and controls I need to add can just simply be imported ontop of the character after it has already been rigged by Slap-on? But I thought that trying to add joints after skinning (weight painting) was a complicated process? Or do you mean import the extra joints BEFORE I skin (weight paint) the Slap-on rig? Do I have to do any parenting between my extra joints and the ones from the Slap-on rigged character? Do I have to bind-skin the extra joints to the Slap-on rigged character? I am a little confused by all this. I would greatly appreciate a step-by-step guide to this process so I do it correctly, I would hate to have to re-skin everything because I messed up. Thanks!
  • Replyindent

    C-bas said over 8 years ago:

    Okay, so I am totally lost.  After the rig was creating using the Slap On plugin, I then created all the joints (just finished today).  Then, as you told me to, I tried binding the new joints to the skin (smooth bind).  Example: I created joints for the hair, so I grabbed both the joints and the hair geometry and tried to smooth bind it.  Didn't work.  Here is the message I got: "Selected geometry `Hair` is already connected to a skinCluster".  I do indeed understand what it's saying, but I don't understand why I can't make the new joints replace the Head's connection/influence/weight painting/etc. to the geometry.  Isn't it suppose to overide it?  See, I don't understand this stuff.  I bought this software expecting things to be easy SINCE I DONT KNOW HOW TO RIG MYSELF, which is the whole reason for getting this software.  And since there is no tutorial out there showing me how to go from your Slap-On to creating the extra joints and then adding them into the mix, I don't know what to do.  Please, I need your help.  Please explain what I am doing wrong and what I have to do.  Thank you.
  • Replyindent

    C-bas said over 8 years ago:

    Thank you so much badmanjam! I will do my best!
  • Replyindent

    badmanjam said over 8 years ago:

    So, you're saying that all the extra joints and controls I need to add can just simply be imported ontop of the character after it has already been rigged by Slap-on? But I thought that trying to add joints after skinning (weight painting) was a complicated process? YES, IT IS A COMPLICATED PROCESS. YOU WILL HAVE TO ADD YOUR JOINTS BY ADDING THEM AS INFLUENCES. Or do you mean import the extra joints BEFORE I skin (weight paint) the Slap-on rig? NO DO NOT DO THIS AT ALL. DO IT AFTER RUNNING SLAP ON Do I have to do any parenting between my extra joints and the ones from the Slap-on rigged character? YES YOU MOST CERTAINLY HAVE TO DO THAT. Do I have to bind-skin the extra joints to the Slap-on rigged character? YES, YOUR EXTRA RIG NEEDS TO INTEGRATE WITH THE SLAP ON JOINTS, CONTROLS AND GROUPS. EVERYTHING IS LABELLED CLEARLY AND ONLY A LITTLE RIGGING KNOWLEDGE IS NEEDED. I am a little confused by all this. I would greatly appreciate a step-by-step guide to this process so I do it correctly, I would hate to have to re-skin everything because I messed up. I'M SORRY BUT THERE ISN'T A SINGLE WAY OF DOING IT. AND FRANKLY ITS A TRIAL AND ERROR SITUATION. YOU WILL RE-SKIN A FEW TIMES UNTIL YOU GET IT RIGHT. Its just par for the course. save frequently and see how it goes. You might get frustrated, but just keep at it. there are a lot of solutions on the internet to make your life easier, but if I were you, I'd just do it the brute force method. It takes a little longer but you'll learn more. SO, In summery, run the slap on script, bring in your controls, add your influences to the skin, constrain/parent your rig controls to the slap on rig and test test test Cheers

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