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rmbToolWin 0.2.10 for Maya (maya script)

an overly complicated tool to loft extrude and mangle polyfacez

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  • 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:08/08/2014
File Size: 2.73 MB


polyface, nParticle

Feature Request

on polygons?

Submitted by:ekenryd ekenryd
This is a very cool tool, but would it be possible to do many of its options on polygons instead of nurbs? Mayas nurbs are such a pain to work with and it would be cool if one could use some of the options on poly meshes.

Comments on this feature request:

  • blahutr

    blahutr said about 10 years ago:

    i appreciate ur comment/request! i assume ur request relatez primarily to the "loft polyface" tool. i will explore the feasibilty of this. i've already started work on a generic multi-cluster control framework - a key component of the loft polyface tool - to allow similar multi-cluster control over any deformable selection. more to follow...
  • blahutr

    blahutr said about 10 years ago:

    so i've just checked a few detailz... to use polyz throughout the loft polyface tool pipeline instead of nurbz, some technical hurdlez will have to be researched - this may take me a while. u may or may not already be aware, but there is already an option to tessellate generated surfacez. since history is maintained with this option, deformation changez will update the poly. i know this isnt quite the same thing, but it workz now... if u use this, i recommend turning off the "make periodic" optionz in the face loft and/or the offset/attach subsectionz. this will reduce the poly count & simplify the resulting mesh. u can further reduce the mesh by tweaking the tessellation node(z). i will work on this when i can - itz in line with other planned featurez. that and i do hope to post a howto screencast when i am able. again, thank u for ur input!

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