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RH AutoRig 3.2.3 for Maya (maya script)

An auto biped rigger with some extra tools

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Last Modified:12/16/2016
File Size: 255 KB


Rig, maya, Rigging, Auto rig


Trouble making the skeleton

Submitted by: yuki radcliffe yuki radcliffe
Hi :)

I'm having trouble getting started with the rig. I am following your tutorial closely but it's not working out how I expected. I made the skeleton proxy and the controls without any trouble, all the parts are where they need to go. When I try to create the skeleton in the next tab, I get this error:

// Error: file: /Users/yukis_stuff/Downloads/RH_v3.mel line 3079: Not enough objects or values.

If I ignore it, then when I click on "select skeleton," it highlights my whole mesh in orange, even if my mesh is on a locked layer. I tried going through the next steps anyway, but binding the skin just gave me a syntax error, and then none of the controls worked. 

I'm not sure if I'm making a noob mistake. I'd appreciate your help :) 

Replies to this question:

  • Nick Dupree

    Nick Dupree said almost 11 years ago:

    Not a noob mistake, just a bug I need to fix. Your skeleton is there, but since you did not specify a prefix the script isn't working properly. I'll fix that soon. In the mean time just find your skeleton in grp_rig1 > ctr_mover1 > grp_joints1 and bind to skeleton hierarchy.

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