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Rename Tool 2.2.0 for Maya (maya script)

3ds Max's rename tool for Maya

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  • 2022, 2021

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Last Modified:11/12/2021
File Size: 9.57 KB


Can't Launch

Submitted by: Galen Beals Galen Beals
I'v followed the instructions to the letter. The script is in my script directory, the coorect path is in the right place in the script, etc. I've nerroweed it down to an issue with launching it in Maya 2014 after spending a ton if time thingking it was somethig in the script. I'm using the command you provided to launch it from the shelf:

import RenameTool
reObject = RenameTool.Rename() 

However Maya says:

# Error: SyntaxError: file <maya console> line 1: invalid syntax # 

I've nerrowed it down to the launch command because if I drop the commands down by one line, it says "line 2: invalid syntax" So, I'm wondering, did something change in Pymel to make this an invalid statement? Usually if there's an issue with loading the script is says somehting like "can't find module". This is acting as if it didn't even know it was a python script. 

Thanks for any hlp you can give me!


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    Mohammad Farjamfard

    Mohammad Farjamfard said over 10 years ago:

    I think this isn't caused by the script and there should be something wrong with whether 2015 version or your implementation. I will install it on Maya 2015 and post the result here as soon as I could manage to.... Thanks for using this script.
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    TaylorAnim said over 10 years ago:

    Make sure you change the code of the shelf script to Python instead of Mel, there is a toggle right above where you type in the script. I'm having my own issue. It's hard to pinpoint the exact cause of this as it happens seemingly randomly. I keep getting this error # Error: RuntimeError: file C:/Users/*/Documents/maya/2015-x64/scripts\ line 125: No object matches name # Is this just an issue with using 2015? Even when I don't get the error the Numbered function doesn't seem to work, if it even renames more than one object it puts the same number on all objects.
  • Mohammad Farjamfard

    Mohammad Farjamfard said almost 11 years ago:

    Thanks for your through report on the problem, yes there has been a change in syntax somehow I think! Tomorrow I'll start working on it and I think it gets finished pretty soon.... Also there is a new version on its way with a handy new feature. I'll let you know of the fix here at this topic.
  • Mohammad Farjamfard

    Mohammad Farjamfard said almost 11 years ago:

    I've downloaded the source script from here on Creative Crash, after installed it as instructed I can run it and do the renaming without an error! I should mention though that I'm using Maya 2014 SP3.0 x64 on windows 8.1. Double check everything, sometimes an error can root in a simple unnecessary indentation or something!

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