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PKD Rig System 2.3.0 for Maya (maya script)

A Complete Body and Face Rigging Solution

Button download


  • 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2009

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:06/07/2015
File Size: 1.43 MB


Rigging, face, autorig


Script doesn't start

Submitted byCharlieWales CharlieWales

Maya 2011 x64 - Win 7 Home x64,
Maya 2012 x64 - Win 7 Home x64
Maya 2013 x64 - Win 7 Home x64

In all three clicking the "Rig" or "Face" shelf button after installing throws this error, though "C:/Users/admin/Documents/maya/scripts\PKD\rigging\" doesn't not exists in my system:

# Error: line 1: WindowsError: file C:/Users/admin/Documents/maya/scripts\PKD\rigging\ line 577: 3

Comments on this bug:

  • Pritish Dogra

    Pritish Dogra said almost 13 years ago:

    Hi Charlie Thank you for bring this to my attention. Please put the script in the relevant version of your maya. eg, if you are grabbing the script from 2013 folder put it here C:\Users\admin\Documents\maya\2013\scripts So on and so forth. I have also tweaked the code to get path information much better. Let me know if this is still a issue, then I would do a small modification
  • CharlieWales

    CharlieWales said almost 13 years ago:

    Hi Pritish, I downloaded the May, 14 version and I already did that, I did put the files under my %USERPROFILE% under the appropiate maya version %USERPROFILE%\Documents\maya\2011-x64\scripts %USERPROFILE%\Documents\maya\2012-x64\scripts though it keeps arguing the same # Error: line 1: WindowsError: file C:/Users/admin/Documents/maya/scripts\PKD\rigging\ line 577: 3 I have tested it after deleting my prefs in case they caused any problem. I don't even have an "admin" user in my system. Maybe you have some hardcoded path within your code. I don't know. Hope it is of some help to debug the error. I'm looking forward to test it. Cheers.
  • Pritish Dogra

    Pritish Dogra said almost 13 years ago:

    Ok, I found the issue. I was not hardcording it anywhere, but I think the compiled Python files were. Including the source file where it was building the path to the "presets" seems to fix the issue. Please download the latest version and try again. Would like to know if it still causing issue
  • CharlieWales

    CharlieWales said almost 13 years ago:

    Hey! that change definitively solved the problem. Thanks!! everything is working properly now. Thanks again. Time to test it out!! :)

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