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PinToCurve 1.10.2 for Maya (maya script)

Script pack for modelling via using curves

(qty: 1)

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  • 2018, 2017, 2016

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:06/26/2020
File Size: 128 KB

Feature Request

Rhumb line / loxodrome surface spiral curve generation

Submitted by:FormJune FormJune
 I definitely like the "snake curve" functionality for creating a curve that is conformal to a surface. I would love to have the ability to conform a spiral curve to a surface (aka: loxodrome)

Comments on this feature request:

  • FormJune

    FormJune said over 7 years ago:

    Hi Chuck,
    Right now I'm working on new expression-based curve generator and this feature will be included in the next release, but to avoid waiting I can create temporary widget. It might take about 1-2 days.
  • chuckl

    chuckl said over 7 years ago:

    I definitely would appreciate the opportunity to test out this functionality (as a widget or otherwise). It would save me a TON of time in my latest project.
  • FormJune

    FormJune said over 7 years ago:

    Please check for new version. Just one more tip: in the case two objects are selected second one will be used as center axis for loxodrome.
    Tool works with meshes (no nurbs). Nevertheless nurbs can be easily converted into meshes.
    Gradient control is to be added afterwards. Hope it'll help you. :)
  • FormJune

    FormJune said over 7 years ago:

    Please check new version. Video tutorial is provided by link below. Pay attention that quad matrix might go wrong in case of triangles. If you use nurbs, they can be converted into quads. Other try triangle -> quads maya converter.
    kind regards,
  • chuckl

    chuckl said over 7 years ago:

    Great work on the loxodrome curve creator widget! I like that you have both a cylindrical as well as a spherical generation capability.
    One suggestion: though I'm not sure if my terminology is correct, it appears as if your script uses the specified points associated with the selected object's LOCAL axis. For example, if I make a loxodrome out of a banana using the Y-axis:
    ...I get the following curve:

    Howver, if I wanted the curve to follow the GLOBAL Y-axis (not the object's LOCAL Y-axis), the upper and lower few loops of the curve would be more parallel to the global Y-axis. 
    Also, a bug in the cylindrical spript sometimes causes an error. For example, on the banana object:

    # Traceback (most recent call last):
    # File "C:/Users/Andrey/Documents/maya/scripts\PinToCurve\", line 59, in createCurve
    # File "/Applications/Autodesk/maya2017/", line 2552, in __getattribute__
    # return super(newcls, self).__getattribute__(name)
    # AttributeError: 'Vector' object has no attribute '__getattr__'


    Awesome work so far!

  • FormJune

    FormJune said over 7 years ago:

    Please, check new version. Using __getattr__ has been removed. Error must've been fixed. I've also added using curve-axis mode.
    How to use: you'll need 2 curves: axis curve and vector-up curve. Second one is just moved aside copy without intersection nor wrapping around the first curve. Selection sequence: mesh,  curve, vector-up curve.
    The sample is below.
    kind regards,
  • chuckl

    chuckl said over 7 years ago:

    I'm very confused with the latest settings in
    "Along Curve" dropdown menu item: I think this is the new capability you mentioned in your last post, but I can't figure out what this does and how to get this to do anything. I'm not sure what the "vector-up" curve you reference is. Do you have a use-case or example where the steps are shown?
    "Custom Radius": selecting the "Custom Radius" checkbox merely reverses the direction of the resultant curve (same as "Reverse Direction").
    "Force Project": doesn't seem to do anything different in the test cases I've run. What is it intended for?
    Also, still can't figure out how create spirals incremented along the global Y-axis, not the local one.
  • FormJune

    FormJune said over 7 years ago:

    Script already used global axis. In fact in this case local and global ones match. You want axis come along banana and bend where banana does. This way you have to create curve bent thorough banana. It should be hidden in banana body (like joints when you do rig) in viewport. First curve will be our axis.
    Then copy and move second one for a little along any axis. It can be outside body and just prevents from unnecessarily rotate. Afterwards select mesh, curve inside and it's copy (in this order) and use along curve projection.
    Custom radius and force project are no need right now. But force project makes assure every point will be projected on mesh. Video will be in several hours.
    You might also watch tutorial for 1.4 where I use vector-up curve.

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