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OutlinerPlus 1.2.0 for Maya (maya script)

OutlinerPlus is a replacement for the standard Maya outliner to speed up node selection and the general workflow.

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  • 2012, 2011

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:05/21/2012
File Size: 9.97 KB

Feature Request

Run outlinerPlus as a Layout panel ONLY

Submitted by:tristratos tristratos
How may one run outlinerPLUS as a lyaout panel only WITHOUT executing it as a command of a window or a dockable tab ?? I only need it to include it in my layout without letting it open once more initially as a tab in startup ? Please specify

Comments on this feature request:


    ViSUALiZER said about 14 years ago:

    Open the file '' (comes with the installation) with a texteditor like notepad. This file tells Maya which commands it should execute when it starts. The last two lines in this file tell Maya that it should start OutlinerPlus as a panel AND dockable window. Just delete the last line or put a '#' in front of the last line to disable its execution: # mutil.executeDeferred( 'OutlinerPlus.startAsDockableWindow()' )
  • tristratos

    tristratos said about 14 years ago:

    Thank you very much for your feedback! I did what you've mentioned and it really works THOUGH i have a problem! Once I set a layout, that has only two panels (outlinerPLUS and Persp view), and save it as a default layout panel that would load at startup, the following issue comes up maya opens, with only one panel in view and that isn't even perp view. It loads the top view and no outlinerPlus in the layout. If I manually click on the saved layout panel of the aforementioned type, the interface loads up correctly the outlinerPlus and Persp view as it should. It has to be mentioned that if I save the layout with 2 panels (maya's outliner and persp view) it loads up correctly in maya's startup. It seems that there is a problem in loading up the outlinerPlus from a default layout in startup for some weird reason. Is there a solution to this problem ?

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