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Ninja Fracture 6.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Breaks objects into chunks

(qty: 1)

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  • 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012

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Last Modified:12/13/2016
File Size: 95.8 KB


Meshes disappear on boolean functions

Submitted byAdar Bronstein Adar Bronstein
The boolean options often don't work and the mesh just disappears.. using the chip function usually cause my meshes to disappear :\

Comments on this bug:

  • Brian Keffer

    Brian Keffer said almost 13 years ago:

    with booleans.. you need to make sure your mesh is water tight and no overlapping faces. Maya booleans are pretty anal about meshes. There is a feature to test a mesh to see if its ok to fracture. Its under the Test menu.. Test mesh for errors. There might be other reasons for a failed boolean tho.
  • Adar Bronstein

    Adar Bronstein said almost 13 years ago:

    Hey Brian, I have tested the meshes using your tool and they are ok, also I checked they have to holes, no overlapping faces and still this thing happens.. I know Maya's booleans are awful but I thought maybe your tool would work it out better. If I simply use the Chips function on a cube a few times the cube disappears for example.. Thank you.

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