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Nightshade Blockout 1.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

Nightshade Blockout is a Maya tool for quickly creating blockout/selection -maps.

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  • 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:11/02/2017
File Size: 53.5 KB


error when saving

Submitted by: asher rubin asher rubin
Hi there, 
I receive an error message when saving out. I am assuming that I'm doing something wrong but I am not sure what. I am using Maya 2015. When I save out, the selected meshes duplicate and the save out does not occur. Is there some way that I can resolve this? 

Error: ValueError: file C:/Users/Asher/Documents/maya/2015-x64/scripts\ line 423: More than one object matches name: [u'polySurface25', u'polySurface26', u'polySurface27', u'pCube7', u'polySurface28', u'polySurface29', u'polySurface30', u'group1'] #   

Replies to this question:

  • Martin Dahlin

    Martin Dahlin said over 9 years ago:

    Hello Can you go into the script editor and turn on the top four checkboxes under History, try and export again and then post the error code here? The problem you are facing appears to occur during the process of duplicating the meshes in the item list. NSB does this as the feature which does the color bake (Transfer maps) relies on having a source mesh as well as a target mesh. A target mesh is therefore duplicated from the source meshes in the list, the color bake occurs and then the duped meshes are deleted. This error code appears because Maya is unable to give unique names to the duplicated meshes. Why this is happening I can't say, but it might help if you also post a screenshot of the selected items in the Outliner. Sincerely, Martin

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