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MMtoKey 1.2.6 for Maya (maya script)

One hotkey for all tasks!

Button download


  • 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:06/14/2020
File Size: 21.2 KB


marking menu, Hotkeys

Increase your speed with this! Combine lots of marking menus and scripts in just one hotkey!
New preset tools let you replaced it with shell.
Great thanks to Davide Alidosi for help!
Since version 1.2 MMtokey is to be constantly updated with new extensions, although version number won't change.

-Just needs one hotkey!
-LMB: You can make relationship between DAG nodes, NON-DAG nodes, names of nodes, panels.
-MMB: Relationship between active tools.
-Hotkey creator.
-No-click commands
-Special marking menus for LMB and MMB
-AllPanels - Create explicit presets for all Maya panels.
-Certain marking menus/commands for buttons
-python/mel switcher in marking menus.
-independ presets like Maya shell.
-auto fix errors.
-dynamic generated marking menus
-different panels for same combinations
- always execution of no-click commands by release
- compatibilty with amTinyTools
1.1 demonstration

1.0 demonsration

0.7 presets demonstration

0.6 tools demonstration

0.5 MMtoKey demonstraton

1. Extract files to your scripts folder.
2. Open editor with python code:MMtoKey.ui()
3. Create hotkey.
4. Create sets and connect them to your marking menus and commands.

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