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mfRetime - retiming of animation via scrubbing 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

retime your animation by scrubbing in timeline

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  • 2011, 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x, 7.x, 6.x


Last Modified:02/08/2011
File Size: 12.9 KB

Feature Request

Add keys

Submitted by:David LoVecchio David LoVecchio
The script works but what it doesn't do is add keys to the animation that would make the result an accurate portrayal of the scrub. In order to see what I'm talking about create a sphere and set a transform key at frame 0 and frame 24 then go to frame 12 and key the sphere in a different location. Now activate the retimer and scrub slowly from frame 0 to frame 12 then scrub quickly from frame 12 to frame 24 and release the retimer hotkey. The end result is missing a large amount of information.

Comments on this feature request:

  • martin freitag

    martin freitag said almost 14 years ago:

    I know what you mean, you are right. I see the point. But the idea is to just not add keys so the animator will keep his keyposes and inbetweens . Otherwise there would be no convenient way on how to decide when adding a key and when not... so you would end up on having a key on every frame. That is what I definitely don't want. I prefer the user to retain control. If you want to get out a higher density of information you can always add some extra keys manually before doing the retiming. cheers M.

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