MayaT3D is a MEL based T3D exporter for Maya. It's main purpose is to allow the user to essentially level design and place objects in Maya which can then be translated into something Unreal can understand. It works by assigning an Unreal Archetype Reference to objects in Maya, which can then be placed as necessary, then when exported and imported into Unreal the archetypes are placed exactly the same as in Maya.
"Why would I need this" you say? Unreal has a lot of nice tools to work with, for example deco layers, but said feature doesn't support placement of certain actors and only works on Terrain! Terrain currently doesn't support Interactive Foliage Actors either, so what happens if you want to place a lot of those or maybe skeletal mesh actors? Interpolating actors? Maybe placing a lot of objects on a non-terrain actor like BSP or Static Mesh? Then you're either forced to place it one by one in the editor or automate it in some way. This is where MayaT3D comes into place! You can find a getting started tutorial by scrolling down this page.
Recommended scripts to use in tandem with Axtended
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