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Maya To Houdini Particles/Mdd/Obj exporter 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Particle and geometry export from Maya To Houdini

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  • 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:11/24/2011
File Size: 5.7 KB

Feature Request

maya 2013??

Submitted by:stewi80 stewi80
It works well with maya 2011. It doesn't work with 2012. output obj sequence without animation. Any news for 2013 instead? I actually need for 2013, but also for 2012 could be useful. many thanks

Comments on this feature request:

  • boogiboy

    boogiboy said about 12 years ago:

    hey, I used it on both 2012 and 2013 with no problem right now, just make sure the obj plugin is loaded, script properly installed and you run it like instructions says. import fx_mdd_obj_exporter fx_mdd_obj_exporter.runUI() If you have specific errors send them and I will take a look.
  • stewi80

    stewi80 said about 12 years ago:

    Hi boogiboy, thanks for your super fast reply. I am a mac user on Maya 2013 x64. I installed it on HD/my username/shared/Autodesk/Maya/2013/scripts When i digit in the python window: import fx_mdd_obj_exporter fx_mdd_obj_exporter.runUI() I get the following error: import fx_mdd_obj_exporter fx_mdd_obj_exporter.runUI() # Error: ImportError: No module named fx_mdd_obj_exporter # I also tried to put it on the plug-ins folder but then it doesn't load properly from the Maya plug-in manager, and in this case I get this error: // Warning: No initializePlugin() or initializePlugin2() function // // Error: pymel : Failed to get controlCommand list from fx_mdd_obj_exporter // // Error: pymel : Failed to get modelEditorCommand list from fx_mdd_obj_exporter // // Error: pymel : Failed to get command list from fx_mdd_obj_exporter // // Error: pymel : Failed to get constraintCommand list from fx_mdd_obj_exporter // // Error: pymel.core : Failed to get depend nodes list from fx_mdd_obj_exporter // // Error: (fx_mdd_obj_exporter) // The only way I can prompt the script window is dragging it into the python window, but then I get a sequence of stills. Where am I getting wrong? Thanks a lot
  • boogiboy

    boogiboy said about 12 years ago:

    SO this error is just saying that maya cannot find your script, you should put it in your user script maya locations. I believe on Mac its one of this + script folder: In your Home folder, under Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/2012 In your Home folder, under Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya /Users/Shared/Autodesk/maya/2012 /Users/Shared/Autodesk/maya or in python editor run this: import sys sys.path and it will show you all python script path location so choose one with your username for example: .../Users/Shared/Autodesk/maya/2012/scripts Try this, if this wont work I'll check my mac at home and let you know. P.S Dont try to load them as plugins, this is just regular python script, just check the maya manual instructions how execute it.
  • stewi80

    stewi80 said about 12 years ago:

    I managed to find the right folder (was a hidden one inside my user), I used the sys.path script to find it. Now the plugin load properly and I don't get any error message. Unfortunately the result is always the same, sequence exported but every frame is equal... isn't there any way to import it from another path telling maya where to find it?
  • boogiboy

    boogiboy said about 12 years ago:

    You should place "#" in the output path to replace frame numbers. For Example on Mac it will be : /Users/boogiboy/Downloads/foo.#.obj On windows: c:/temp/foo.#.obj The same for Particle Export.
  • stewi80

    stewi80 said about 12 years ago:

    Hey, I did it but still nothing... It's really weird. I tried with 2 different machines and with different Maya versions. It works well with 2010 but not with 2012 e 2013 on both machines. I tried also other Mel scripts, but I get always the same output. Wondering what causes that. Anyway thank you very much for your help. If you figure out any other solution please let me know.
  • pabloandres

    pabloandres said over 11 years ago:

    Hey man!, thank you for this lovely script, it has served me well, would you mind fixing one or two things?.. 1.- when you have to objects with the same shapenode name, it just wont cache, ie: L_arm/armShape R_arm/armShape (tipical when you duplicate an arm to the other side... but it gets worse when you have a lot of separated geos...) 2.- the file output path could recognize the project folder you're in. I guess that's it, if you can do this, man you're golden... scratch that, you're golden already!, thanks!!

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