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Maya custom tools - Therenderblog 1.2.0 for Maya (maya script)

Custom panel with python tools for maya and arnold users

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  • 2014

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:10/17/2014
File Size: 60.1 KB




Tool wont load until after render global window run

Submitted bydavidsperkins davidsperkins
Super low priority, but if I load maya for the first time, and click on custom tool-toolbar tools, the tool will not load. If I click on render globals, and them click the same menu, the tool also loads right away.
Also, would be great if you could offer pre-compiled versions of the viewport renderer. I am going through the tutoruial I purchased from you, and It's a little over my head as I don't have any programming experience other than basic mel stuff. Thanks!

Comments on this bug:

  • therenderblog

    therenderblog said almost 11 years ago:

    That render settings thing doesn't happend to me here, I tested in 2 machines, not sure what might cause that, I will look into it. The viewportrender tool is part of a tutorial, I don't sell it as a product, mainly because I can't provide compiled versions for all systems. Feel free to contact me by email if you can't compile yourself, I can send you a compiled version for maya 2014 win7 64x.
  • davidsperkins

    davidsperkins said almost 11 years ago:

    Thanks, My error is: # Error: ValueError: file C:/Users/perkins/Documents/maya/scripts\ line 207: No object matches name: defaultArnoldRenderOptions.textureAutomip # I think it's because the arnold plugin isn't fully loaded at that point.If I open a scene that has arnold components, the tool opens no problem. I sent you a request for the compile. Thanks!
  • therenderblog

    therenderblog said almost 11 years ago:

    That's strange because just before that line we have an if statement asking if the current render is arnold. If you see in the overview video when I load the panel, i have to click on the arnold icon to load the arnold settings. I can't replicate that issue here, but you could solve that replacing the if statement on line #199, checking for MtoA plugin load (cmds.pluginInfo...). I will check your email regarding the viewportrender. Thanks for the input

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