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Maya - Choose Exposure for Physical Sun & Sky 1.1.4 for Maya (maya script)

Choose which exposure method you want to use when creating Physical Sun & Sky

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  • 2016

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:05/31/2015
File Size: 81.9 KB


maya, exposure, Mental Ray


Maya 2013.5 extension

Submitted byJohn Kennedy John Kennedy
This really looks like a handy script, but has anyone got this to work with Maya 2013.5 extension.

it seems not to work for me. in the the render settings the indirect lighting tab shows no settings just..blank!!!!

I get this error: // Error: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013.5/mentalray/scripts/createMentalRayFeaturesTab.mel line 568: Object's name 'scrollLayout' is not unique.

I have put the script into : C:\Users\Unified\Documents\maya\scripts... with no luck!! and I have tried putting the script into : C:\Users\Unified\Documents\maya\2013.5-x64\scripts ... again no luck!! same problem..

Am I missing something or I have put the script into the wrong folder.....

If someone who has got this script to work,  any chance of a helping hand..I would appriciate it..


Comments on this bug:

  • valenwagner

    valenwagner said almost 12 years ago:

    Thank you for letting me know. I'm a little embarrased to say - but I uploaded the wrong file for the 2013.5 version Please redownload and you will have the correct files. Sorry!
  • John Kennedy

    John Kennedy said almost 12 years ago:

    1St Thankyou for the quick reply.. Lol worries, mistakes are known to happen. This script is now working 100%. this is going to take at least 3 mins of my work flow.. Thankyou for the script and your hard work.

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