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Local Tools 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

rotate around edges, move along them, etc...

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  • 2009, 2008, 8.x, 7.x, 6.x, 5.x

Operating Systems

  • Irix
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:09/03/2009
File Size: 43.2 KB
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11-20 of 36

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  • sil_musashi

    sil_musashi said almost 14 years ago:

    Anyone knows how this tool works? I executed the script but there is nothing appear on the screen. I need helps please :
  • kai p

    kai p said almost 14 years ago:

    I am having the same problem as Arkadius was having. I have sourced the script in the usersetup.mel but I am still getting the error message whenever I try to access the local tools or it's menu box from the modify>Local Tools: // Error: "$PivotSettings" is not an array. Any idea what I may have done wrong? Thank you so much!
  • Trevor Crandall

    Trevor Crandall said almost 14 years ago:

    I'm not having any luck with this either. Did what Tomas above suggested, creating a userSetop.mel with source HKLocalTools; Both HK mels scripts are in there too.... Maya 2011 on Windows 7 64bit. Maybe I'm not adding the right text to my userSetup file? ANy help would be much appreciated.....
  • Tomas M.

    Tomas M. said almost 14 years ago:

    The problem is that Maya 2011 x64 (in my case) does not initialize userSetup.mel when it is located in "\documents\maya\\prefs\" (since maya does not include this location to its MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH). The solution is simple: just move your userSetup.mel to "\documents\maya\\prefs\scripts\" directory or add "\documents\maya\\prefs\" to your MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH
  • dariel rodriguez

    dariel rodriguez said over 14 years ago:

    hey i use maya 2010 but i don' t know hoy to load a script jejeje ???? who can help me with this jejejeje ?????????
  • radn z

    radn z said almost 15 years ago:

    Help me...When I write down the command on my MEL and when I execute, it shows nothing... I really need this tool to work with. I use maya 2010 Mac 10.5
  • cuckon sue

    cuckon sue said about 15 years ago:

    That's so useful! Thanks a lot!
  • kenb

    kenb said about 15 years ago:

    I have the same issue as trabi0. The only odd difference is that it worked once, but when I restarted Maya, I got the error message. Thank you for your time
  • trabi0

    trabi0 said over 15 years ago:

    Hello I get this error: // Error: Cannot find procedure "HKLocalToolsAction". // I put HKLocalTools.mel file to the local directory Documents and Settings\"Username"\My Documents\maya\"version"\scripts. and the userSetup.mel ( I didnt have that so created it ) I put to Documents and Settings\"Username"\My Documents\maya\"version"\scripts. I copied this line: "source HKLocalTools; " I tried it with and without quotationmarks. and ModObjectsMenu.mel I copied to C:\Documents and Settings\"username"\My Documents\maya\2009\scripts But for some reason I get that error. Did I do something wrong? I use Maya 2009
  • mavrik

    mavrik said over 15 years ago:


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