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gf_Bank 1.1.1 for Maya (maya script)

Poses and Animations Bank

Button download


  • 2014, 2013, 2012

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:04/17/2014
File Size: 76 KB


animation, Pose


Few things !

Submitted bykna kna
Hi !

First of all, you've got an awesome tool here, it's very usefull (the best i've seen on this website, and i've tried a lot^^) for me as an animator...
I don't know if they are bugs or not, so i'm posting here some bugs issues / requests:

- When you add a new path for the directory, could it be possible to choose which one is the "MAIN" one, so that it automatically choose it.
- And you can't delete them (eq i've created a path which i'm not using, and i can't delete it from the list), which could be great
- When you create a new pose, it creates a thumbnail very usefull for the preview.. However, the focal lenght is on one hand great for body poses, as you can see a lot of informations, but not readable enough for face poses on the other hand. Maybe a button where we can switch between 2 different lenght could be great too.
- During the preview, we see the manipulator when it's in translate, but not in rotate. Maybe you could deactivate it all the time...

No other ideas / issues for the moment, but thanks again for your tool, it's awesome !
And one last thing i loved about your tool, and which i think is important to tell you, is that all your script file are very well written, which makes them easy to modify / understand. Thanks for that :)

Comments on this bug:

  • Guillaume FERRACHAT

    Guillaume FERRACHAT said almost 11 years ago:

    Hi, Thanks a lot for your report. I really need that kind of feedback to improve my script(s). - I plan to add this feature in the next update. Actually, I already prepared it : in the file named poseBank_options.xml there is an entry called (for default directory) but you cannot edit this entry yet - You can delete them simply by selecting the path in the textScrollList in the options and pressing "DEL" on your keyboard. Then you save the options and reload the script, and it's done. - The camera used in the preview is the persp cam. I might actually create a temporary cam and add a slider to change the focal length. - The reason why you don't see the rotate tool is probably because it is too big for the viewport. However you're right, it's not necessary to have them in the preview, I'll deactivate them. I'm currently working on a new feature that copies the poses and animations files from one character to another with a search & replace function. That way, characters with the similar rigs can share poses & anims. One last thing : it appears that turning your viewport's background to black (with Alt + B) when you create a new pose or animation will make a transparent background on the snapshot. It's totally unintentional but I find it pretty cool. Thanks again for the feedback
  • kna

    kna said almost 11 years ago:

    Hi, Your welcome for the feedbacks, i know they can help a lot sometimes... I've managed well to delete the unwanted paths, thanks for the tip ! Maybe you could add it in your doc though... For your knew feature that copies poses and animation, try testing it with the namespaces ! I'm using them a lot, for reference files, and it could be a great deal ^^ Looking forward for your new tools :) Cheers
  • kna

    kna said almost 11 years ago:

    I came through a new issue: You can only export animation which is in the BaseAnimation layer... I'm animating a car moving, and i added a "noise" effect on a control, which is on a separate layer. But the export doesn't work, as there is nothing on the BaseAnimation.. However, if i collapse the animLayers, the export then works well ! Maybe finding a way to store keys depending on which layer you're working on could be an interesting idea :) Cheers ! Edit: I came through something else... Previews do not seem to consider textures, while they are activated on the viewport.. Could be interesting to add them too if they are ON on the active viewport :)
  • Guillaume FERRACHAT

    Guillaume FERRACHAT said almost 11 years ago:

    The copy feature works with namespaces. I'll upload a new version soon with new features and bug fixes such as: - The copy tool. - Ability to change the default directory - Fixed a scroll bar bug in the poses & animations tab. - Disable manipulators in the preview viewport - ... I'll see what I can do for the animation layers issue.
  • kna

    kna said almost 11 years ago:

    New problems we've faced: while we try to export an animation from a character (using CreatureRig), there is a bug: "object 'non type' as no len()" .... and we can't delete the preview image (each time we have an error in fact - we can only delete it manually). We've tried with a different rig, and it worked well.. So it might come from our rig, but i can't figure out why ! And when we want to create a new category, it creates a new folder named "characterscharacters" on the same root as the "characters" one... :s But new poses or animation created in this category are well stored in the "characters" folder, not in the strange new one. Deleting the new folder seems to work well though! And finally, when we have created enough poses to fill 3 rows (12 poses), name poses do not show off for the last row, and any pose created after the twelfth one can't be seen... adding a scrolling bar or enabling the re size of the window could be an idea :)
  • Guillaume FERRACHAT

    Guillaume FERRACHAT said almost 11 years ago:

    What's the line number of this error ? (Script Editor > History > Line numbers in errors) This looks like the bug I fixed on 1.0.2. Are you using the latest version of the script ? For the scroll bar thing, I encounter that issue last monday so I fixed it. I'll upload an new version today
  • kna

    kna said almost 11 years ago:

    Error line 1178 "for x in range(0,len(keys)):" We're currently using 1.0.2 yes... I'll check for the new version then :)
  • Guillaume FERRACHAT

    Guillaume FERRACHAT said almost 11 years ago:

    Thanks. I think it bugs because the script finds animcurves on the objects, but without any keys on one of them within the specified range. I'll fix this and upload the new version. EDIT : Bug fixed. I'm updating the doc now.
  • Guillaume FERRACHAT

    Guillaume FERRACHAT said almost 11 years ago:

    New version's here :)
  • kna

    kna said almost 11 years ago:

    Great, i'll test it and give you some feedback soon :)

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