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Scene Tools 2.4.1 for Maya (maya script)

Modeless Maya File Browser and custom Open Scene Dialog with scene thumbnails and note display. Tools for dealing with playblasts, references and more...

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Last Modified:09/05/2017
File Size: 684 KB


Set project folder

Submitted bysad sadf sad sadf
First of all ,Thanks a lot for your impressve work .
I just found a bug, when i use Set project folder. When i use multiple folders the script add two times the name of the folder
Example : C:/.................../Big_Projet/Market/scenes/scenes/. And because of this i can't see my scenes, i have to delet the last name folder manually.


Comments on this bug:

  • CharlieWales

    CharlieWales said over 9 years ago:

    Hi Sad, I cannot seem to find or reproduce the bug. I guess you are referring to CharlieWales' File Browser Projects Folders? isn't it? I have set 3 Folders and I cannot see the issue. Can you elaborate a bit more? Which Maya version? Scene Tools version 2.1.8? When does this ".../scenes/scenes" bug happen? - When you press the scenes button? - When you set the project? Can you attach an image? Thanks for the feedback.

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