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Feather System 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

feather system

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  • 7.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:01/04/2009
File Size: 21.9 KB
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  • Ivaldo3d

    Ivaldo3d said almost 12 years ago:

    Works well with a preset primitive. Not somuch with my chicken. I always get this : "Cannot convert data of type undefined to type string." Could someone help ?
  • Scott King

    Scott King said over 13 years ago:

    I've got the script installed and working, however, it doesn't work the same on my custom mesh as it does with a standard sphere. I paint on the tail section of my bird mesh(which is fairly dense around 100k polys), create a feather plane and set the density to a couple hundred, and click create feathers. The script only spits out around 4 feather instances. Is there a trick to get it to work on custom meshes? Does it need to be less dense? Does scale of the object matter?
  • Emre Büyükbayram

    Emre Büyükbayram said over 13 years ago:

    it gave me this error please help :( // Error: No object matches name: // // Error: No object(s) to duplicate //
  • esteban olide

    esteban olide said over 13 years ago:

    Everything is working fine with the script up until the part when I need to press the play button in the pixie feathers window. After pressing play I do see it give me a small bounce like the tutorial, now I should be able to move the sphere mesh up and down and see the feathers move with it, and it should be give me that bounce effect I'm looking for. But that isn't the case. When I move the sphere the feathers just stay still, and the sphere has no effect on them. And what is the point of pressing the play button in the pixie feathers window anyways?? What going on here? I'm currently working a project that needs feathers and would love to use this script to get it done. It would help my render time and make my life alot easier.
  • ibrah

    ibrah said over 13 years ago:

    Maybe it worked back in 2007....
  • fusedgore

    fusedgore said almost 14 years ago:

    The script does work with maya 2011 .All you ned to do is copy and paste it into the script editor .Just select your mesh ,hit paint ,then paint where u want feahters ,hit add feather planes ,select that in the window then select the mesh your adding to ,then hit create ,it will then create them.
  • whtrbt4

    whtrbt4 said about 14 years ago:

    I've tried to ise it but it still giving me error in every button, but sometimes it allows me to paint but i can't do anything else, someone can help me!!!!!
  • John Thompson

    John Thompson said about 14 years ago:

    For those having trouble running script run the following line in script editor source "feathers_Updatd" You can then make a button on shelf
  • grinsekatze

    grinsekatze said about 14 years ago:

    @ author can you please tell me how to use my own feathers and load it in your window? Everytime i tried to load my own feathers the script gave me a normal plane :( Thanks
  • kmk0806

    kmk0806 said about 14 years ago:

    Hey, I do not understand what Christie Coyle said. I too am getting the error "Error: Cannot find procedure "paintObj." I opened it in text editor and pasted into script editor like she said but I do not understand why pressing ctrl and enter would do anything to help. Can anyone explain this to me?

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