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Auxilium:Maya Lighting and Rendering Tool 1.0.8 for Maya (maya script)

Auxilium is a tool built for Maya that currently supports both Mental Ray and Vray

Button download


  • 2014, 2013, 2012

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:04/19/2014
File Size: 7.72 MB


Layout problems

Submitted bypacmaniac pacmaniac
First picture is maya interface before lunching Auxilium
Second is what happens after first click on icon, appears strange part of auxilium UI
Third shows situation after the second icon hit , auxilium appears on the left, but strange piece of UI still exists in the bottom area.
maya 2012x64, windows 7

Script editor:
# Initializing V-Ray for Maya
# Result: Vray Ray Plugin Already Loaded #
# Error: RuntimeError: Object 'scrollLayout1' not found. #  

Comments on this bug:

  • Ross Macaluso

    Ross Macaluso said almost 11 years ago:

    interesting.... I can't seem to replicate the issue, but i'll look into it farther tomorrow, I even recreated the layout you have to make sure it wasn't because you have all your buttons on the bottom but loaded fine... So i'll do some farther tests tomorrow, thanks for bringing it to my attention!
  • Ross Macaluso

    Ross Macaluso said almost 11 years ago:

    This should be fixed... I explicitly parented my layouts, and made sure all layouts had appropriate names.... if the issue is still occurring let me know of the new error, there should be a name attributed to the layout causing the problem. But like I said, should be fixed....

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