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Automated "Animator Friendly Rigging" 1.0.6 for Maya (maya script)

Automated "Animator Friendly Rig" with all its wonderful features

Button download


  • 2010, 2009, 2008, 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:01/24/2011
File Size: 47.4 KB


jason schleifer

Feature Request

rig ideas

Submitted by:theskydreamer theskydreamer
wow dude u did my thing. i automated just the spine and arm job. happy to see that there's men who like this. ok i added this comment just to ad some of my personal ideas of improvements on this rig like: - coloring the rig and skeleton with different colors for the left and right side. it a little bit of drag until I establish what part is witch, u know "the other left" like confusion and the same with colors on buttons it would be. i ALWAYS messed up with this i look at the right arm but push the wrong button because the character is facing me, what a drag or a douche bag i am - there is a little bit of a bug on the right arm when u are in fk mode and press there is a 90 degree flip in the hole arm check it - personally i would like the toogle buttons for the r part on the right part and settings and visibility in the middle - the thing that i did on my rig was that when i changed from fk to ik (ik-fk) the mach script would run automatically so i wouldn't have to do it by hand. u have the toogle button(why i didn't think of that), but what do you say of a check button or a radio button for mach ik-fk, fk-ik happened automatically if u chose to. i personally find it just step more, unnecessary. -out of topic i proud myself that i did that visibility change to happen automatically when change the "mood", just saying - another tab would be needed beside those 2, one with 2 channel boxes side byside: visibility and settings, so i wouldn't need channel editor on something i use often, i already have the rig window just in front... -4 the future maybe tabs 4 hand control and leg as well -4 this i don't know if the original rig has it, i must check up on it, but if fk mode u can pick ex: lfklowarmanim and drag it- elongate it, but the length doesn't update, none of the length update as a mater of fact i must check with the original.. Hope my english was understandable, and my hints useful mikey

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