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abAutoRig 6.0.3 for Maya (maya script)

Skeleton builder and auto rigger

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  • 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:04/26/2013
File Size: 151 KB


autorig, Rig

Feature Request

Add hands as follow switches

Submitted by:Andrion Becker Andrion Becker
I am animating a character with a 2 handed weapon, and I'd like to be able to have the left hand follow the right (and vice versa). Could you please add the hands as follow switches to allow for this? Thanks so much! -Andrion

Comments on this feature request:

  • crumbly

    crumbly said almost 12 years ago:

    Hi Andrion, There is an unused (and undocumented) function in both the Standard and Premium versions of the script that allows you to add new spaces to your characters. It's called abRTAddObjAsParentSpace, and it takes the following four arguments, in order: childObj - the object to which you wish to add a new space (this will usually be an IK control of some kind). parentObj - the object that will serve as the new space (the control or object which you want the child to follow when its space attribute is enabled). objWithSpaceAtts - the object to which the space attributes will be added (usually the same as childObj). spaceName - the name of the new space (and the name of the attribute that will be added to objWithSpaceAtts). So, to add a new space named "rtWristCtrl" to the left hand IK control curve (on a default rig named "charName"), you would use the following bit of mel: source abAutoRig.mel; abRTAddObjAsParentSpace("charName_lf_arm_ik_ctrl", "charName_rt_hand_ctrl", "charName_lf_arm_ik_ctrl", "rtWristCtrl"); You can't add the space attributes for each of the hands without causing a cycle (sorry, no bidirectional constraints yet), but you can add it for just one hand which you then parent to the other that you'll animate. Also, any new space that you add won't currently show up in the list of spaces in the marking menu available in abAutoRig Premium.
  • Andrion Becker

    Andrion Becker said almost 12 years ago:

    hey! Thanks so much for your response, I'm not very familiar with MEL, but every time I try this I get this syntax error :( source abAutoRig.mel; abRTAddObjAsParentSpace(“Chai__lf_arm_ik_ctrl”, “Chai__rt_hand_ctrl”, “Chai__lf_arm_ik_ctrl”, “rtWristCtrl”); // Error: abRTAddObjAsParentSpace(“Chai__lf_arm_ik_ctrl”, “Chai__rt_hand_ctrl”, “Chai__lf_arm_ik_ctrl”, “rtWristCtrl”); // // Error: Syntax error // any help would be much appreciated!
  • crumbly

    crumbly said almost 12 years ago:

    Hey Andrion, I'm guessing that you copied and pasted from the message above and just filled in the correct names for your character? If that's the case, I bet the problem is the quotation marks that this site uses. Try replacing all of the double quotes with double quotes from your keyboard (the strings should be yellow when viewed in the script editor -- assuming you're using 2013). regards, Brendan
  • Andrion Becker

    Andrion Becker said almost 12 years ago:

    That worked like a charm! Thanks Brendan! Would it be possible to use this technique for rigging a weapon bone? Currently I'm using this method - however it would be fantastic to have something that was quicker to setup and more integrated with the rest of the rig. Cheers!
  • crumbly

    crumbly said almost 12 years ago:

    Awesome, I'm glad that worked! As for adding a weapon bone (or locator) as a space, that shouldn't be a problem. Just make sure that the bone or locator that you use to add a space stays in the scene with the rig (that's probably obvious). regards, Brendan

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