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Spiral Curve Node and Cmd for Maya 8.5 to 2012 1.1.0 for Maya (maya plugin)

This is a Maya Python API plug-in providing a command and a node to help you create flex spiral curve.

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  • 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:08/17/2012
File Size: 10.7 KB


api, maya

Hi guys:
This plug-in provide a command and a node to help you create flex spiral curves according  profile curve.
how to install and load it:
1. unzip the package. There are  three folder in it.
2. what operating system are you in?   
2.1 for Windows      
a. the CONTENT of AETemplates folder (not the folder itself) into mayaInstallPath\scripts\AETemplates      
b. put the CONTENT of plug-ins folder into mayaInstallPath\bin\plug-ins      
c. put the CONTENT of scripts folder into Documents\maya\2012-x64\scripts. if you have your own userSetup.mel working. just copy the content of this userSetup.mel to yours.    
2.2 for OSX      
a. go to applications folder->autodesk->Maya finder Maya icon, right click select Show Package Content      
b. the CONTENT of AETemplates folder (not the folder itself) into content\scripts\AETemplates    
c. put the CONTENT of plug-ins folder into content\MacOS\plug-ins      
d. Leave content folder, put the CONTENT of scripts folder into users\your name\Library\Preferences\Autodesk\Maya\scripts.  If you have your own userSetup.mel working. just copy the content of this userSetup.mel to yours.
3. Startup Maya
4. Window->Settings/Preferences->Plug-in Manager
5. find out, check it. if you want to automatically load this plugin next time, check auto load.

1. create one Nurbs curve which you want curve spiral around it.  and select it.       
2. Find the menu item from Edit Curve-> Spiral Curve, run it. or you can input "spiralCurve" and execute.       
3. The new created spiral curve have  a DG node on it. so you can open attribute editor to change its parameters.  
4. You can modify your profile curve's shape, blendshape it, the new curve will follow with the profile curve anytime. 
5. If you want make a  follow spiral curve on a Hair system curve. make sure you select the Dynamiced curve (with hair system) as the profile but not the original curve. 

Now it is in Python version. So it's doesn't care which version of Maya you are using (newer than 8.5). But the cost is performance speed. C++ API plugin will work more fast than Python API plugin, so if you want more fast version, please contact me.
OK, That's it, hope you enjoy it. 
If there's any bug, crash, something could be optimized. Or you what the plug-in run on other version of Maya. Just email me to : 

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