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Servo Tools For Maya 1.0.1 for Maya (maya plugin)

Animate and Control Real Hobby RC Servo Motors directly from Maya.

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  • 2010, 2009, 2008

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:11/15/2009
File Size: 179 KB


Problems with Installation

Submitted by: frankenegger frankenegger
Hi everyone!

Please post any problems you might have with installation in this thread.

Replies to this question:

  • Replyindent said almost 8 years ago:

    Did you get it work yet? Im on Maya 2017 and have same problem with What about Pyserial? 3.3? Please help me.
  • Replyindent

    Fleer said over 9 years ago:

    Hi there, I know this thread is a little bit old, but I am trying to get this working on Maya 2014, hopefully someone can help. I encountered a similar error to others, every time I try to activate the servoWrite plugin I get the following error. // Error: line 1: OSError: file build/bdist.macosx-10.9-intel/egg/serial/ line 289: 2 // // Warning: line 1: Failed to run file: /Applications/Autodesk/maya2014/ // // Error: line 1: (servoWrite) // I'm on a Mac but have managed to confirm that import serial and import servo both work in a python shell. I copied all the python paths from sys.path to the Maya userSetup.mel file too. Not sure what else to try...
  • epsilon epsilon

    epsilon epsilon said over 15 years ago:

    Hi; I did all the steps that are mentioned in the 3 videos, but when I activate the plugin servoWrite on Maya 2009 Unlimited it gives me: / / Error: (servoWrite), but when I close python.exe, it's work, What should I do ? thank you
  • Replyindent

    frankenegger said about 15 years ago:

    Hi epsilon, When you are running maya, there is no need to have a python terminal open. If you have already opened a serial connection in the python terminal and then tried to load the plugin in maya it will error. This is because the pyhton terminal is hogging the serial connection. Try closing all applications and pyhton terminals. Then restart maya. It should work. Let me know if you have any other issues, good luck!
  • epsilon epsilon

    epsilon epsilon said about 15 years ago:

    thank you
  • mattyb8641

    mattyb8641 said about 15 years ago:

    Hi Dan, Will this run on WIndows 7 64 bit? I tried installing the plugin in both Maya 2010 and Maya 2009 32bit. I get // Error: (servoWrite) when I try to load the plugin. Thanks!
  • Replyindent

    frankenegger said about 15 years ago:

    Hi Matt, I'm surprised that this errors on 32 bit xp with 2009. It works fine with me. Without loading the plugin, can you try (in 32-bit 2009) typing : import servo [highlight and press Enter] in maya's python script editor? and tell me what error you get? Thanks, Dan.
  • Replyindent

    mattyb8641 said about 15 years ago:

    Thanks for your reply Dan, Unfortunately I have tried that and haven't been able to get it working. Import servo runs just fine, but when i close the python shell and try to load the plugin in Maya I still get the error. If there is anything else I could try please let me know! Thanks again! Matt.
  • Replyindent

    frankenegger said about 15 years ago:

    Matt, Try closing maya and all python shells. Plug in your Arduino, Open a new python shell, then type: import servo and press Enter. If this runs without any errors, then python and serial components are working. Make sure you close the python shell. Now start maya and try to load the plugin. I have tested the plugin with Maya 2009 32-bit (on a 32-bit xp pro machine). I've also tested the same version of maya on a 64-bit version of windows xp pro. Both tests were succsessful. outside of that I could not say for sure of compatability with your windows 7 setup. Regards, Dan.
  • Lefty

    Lefty said about 15 years ago:

    Hi Dan, Thank you for doing all this!! Its going to do wonders for a camera rig I plan to use in a stop motion film! I have everything set up but when I try to load the plugin in Maya 2009 32bit I get this error in the script editor: // Warning: Failed to run file: D:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2009/bin/plug-ins/ // // Error: (servoWrite) // Then if I try to loaded it a second time I get this error: // Error: No module named serial # Traceback (most recent call last): # File "D:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2009/bin/plug-ins/", line 35, in # import serial # ImportError: No module named serial // // Warning: Failed to run file: D:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2009/bin/plug-ins/ // // Error: (servoWrite) // I have Python 2.5 installed and it imports serial and servo without any errors. Is it possiable its trying to use the Python in Maya? I also had Python 2.6 which I unistalled after things didn't work. Is there a way to point the plugin to use Python 2.5? I don't know much about programming. Thanks again! John
  • Replyindent

    frankenegger said about 15 years ago:

    Woohoo! I'm glad it's working for you John. You are spot on with the steps you did in appending the python system path in Maya. Well done and I hope it's of some use to you. As for stepper motors. I get asked that all the time. I am going to post some code when I get back from vacation for people to play with. It's still very limited at the moment, but it will people an idea if where things are at. Regards, Dan.
  • Replyindent

    Lefty said about 15 years ago:

    I got it working!!! If anyone is having a similar problem this is a good thread to read Basically what I did is open Python shell and type: import sys then hit enter. Then type sys.path and hit enter. It will return a list of addresses of your python. Then you simply open the usersetup (with a text editor) in the mel folder of the ServoToolsForMaya and replace the addresses with yours. Save the script and place it in the scripts folder of Maya. And BINGO working!! Dan, Thanks again! Any plans for stepper motors? John
  • Replyindent

    Lefty said about 15 years ago:

    Dan, You are the greatest!! Thanks for the help!! You'll be thanked in the credits of our film for sure. I'll send a link if it ever gets finished. As far as the the import serial, it gets no errors when I type it in IDLE (Python GUI) or in Python (command line). Import servo works as well. I get the ">>>". My Python 2.5 is installed in its own folder on the D drive:, not in program files. Could this be part of the problem? Thanks again! This will be very helpful for me. John
  • Replyindent

    frankenegger said about 15 years ago:

    Ok, Now we are getting somewhere. The error you are getting tells me that the python serial module(pySerial) is either not installed correctly, or the "python for maya" system path is not set correctly and as such, maya cannot load the plugin. A way to test if the serial module is installed would be to close everything and open a new python terminal and type import serial and press enter. If there are no errors, then the serial and servo module are in the right place (at least for your stand alone version of python) Maya has it's own version of python that comes as part of the maya application. The trick is to make sure that maya's version of python is looking in in the right place for the serial module. But one thing at a time. Try the import servo thing first and get back to me with your findings. Then we will troubleshoot your maya python system path.
  • cheechwizard

    cheechwizard said almost 15 years ago:

    Hi- I'm trying to install on a mac. I'm not sure how to modify my mel script paths- I have a directory /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/serial where all the .pyc files are kept but I don't have any win32, or Lib folders within site packages. Thanks for all your hard work in designing this!
  • Replyindent said almost 8 years ago:

    Will it work on python3? Maya 2017? Pyserial 3.3? Have to be specific verision that you used, or doesn't matter?? Is any way I can reach you? Ok, if I email you private on your youtube account. So I can share you my websites and few questions.
  • Replyindent

    frankenegger said almost 15 years ago:

    Hi cheechwizard, Apologies that there are no docs on mac setup. I don't own a mac so I can not really test or support the platform. That being said, the mel script is simply a script that maya runs on startup to apend the python system path so that maya can gain access to the modules. If you are having trouble with it you can always run the command inside of maya once it is running. Open the script editor and make a new python tab and type: sys.path.append ('The path to what ever modules you need here'') I'm not sure how pyserial works on a mac. But a good test is to see if you can get things working in a python terminal first before you look at the maya side of things. see if you can get this command to move a servo: servo.move(1,180) If you can get that to work you are more than half way there!
  • pituss

    pituss said almost 14 years ago:

    Hi Dan, first of all great tutorial. Well done. I`ve been working on an installaction for a while using 3d max animation and xyz coordinates, and using it for an animatronic. I would like to try some stuff of your tutorial. Is it possible to use it instead of MAYA on 3DMAX?, I mean because are very similar programs, and I´m better using 3DMAX. If so is it necesary to chance something on the script? Well, looking forward to your answer. Thanks in advance. Salute Pitu
  • olip

    olip said over 11 years ago:

    Is Anyone still here? I'm having the same prob as Lefty but his fix isn't working, or i'm getting it wrong # Error: line 1: AttributeError: file line 2: 'module' object has no attribute 'paths' # // Error: line 1: ImportError: file C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/bin/plug-ins/ line 35: No module named serial // // Warning: line 1: Failed to run file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/bin/plug-ins/ I've gone into my external python editor and done "import serial" and "import servo" looks fine. In Maya i get a No module named servo # error, so i'm assuming its Maya needing re pointing to python, i'm something of a noob here is the setup files as I've re addressed it global proc appendSystemPath(){ python( "import sys" ); python( "sys.path.append('C:\\Windows\\system32\\')" ); python( "sys.path.append('C:/Python27/Lib')" ); python( "sys.path.append('C:/Python27/Lib/site-packages')" ); python( "sys.path.append('C:/Python27/Lib')" ); } appendSystemPath(); Anyone?
  • opiumblue

    opiumblue said over 11 years ago:

    Hi Dan First thanks for all your creative and technical efforts, just great. Everything works perfectly except cant get 'servo 4 on pin 12' of the arduino to play ball. // Error: IndexError: list index out of range // // Maya 11 // Arduino Mega // Any clues would be much appreciated. Also what happend to the tute about adding more servos? Thanks again Opium
  • Eli DElia

    Eli DElia said over 7 years ago:

    Hi Frankenegger, I am very excited about your servo tools and hope you have not moved on completely. I am on a MacBook Pro OSX High Sierra 10.13.1. I was hoping to hack the python scripts to run on OSX but have so far had no luck. Any chance you will be re-vitalizing these tools to work on current Maya versions 2016 thru 2018 for both Windows and Mac OS? 
    Anyone else in the same boat have any progress? Thanks!

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