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OCEANSPLASH 1.1.3 for Maya (maya plugin)

OceanSplash is a plug-in for Maya(3D Application). This plug-in creates awesome splashes for your animated objects with in seconds, which otherwise would require even for an expert to spend days in order to create one

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  • 2012, 2011, 2010

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:04/30/2012
File Size: 14.3 MB

Feature Request

Plugins works with NURBS. Any luck of Polygons

Submitted by:tristratos tristratos
This is overall a faboulous plugin! I only find a serious drawback. It works with NURBS not polygons. From what I know that is due to the fact that there is a intersect curve option between nurbs. I just wonder wether there is a polygon one, so that will enable this tool to be used universaly!?!? Any idea / luck ? Best Regards, Tri Stratos P.S. Keep up the nice work of yours!!

Comments on this feature request:

  • baadhshah

    baadhshah said over 13 years ago:

    Hi Tri Stratos, oceanSplash is not for Nurbs object alone, it takes a single Nurbs surface as input, to build an oSpEngine. oceanSplash needs to know the 3D boundary of your high detailed model(poly, subdiv or Nurbs). You need not model using Nurbs but you just have to create a shell for your model to define the 3D boundary or volume of your model using any of the basic single nurbs surface(Nurbs Primitives) that suits the shape of your model best. i.e. if your model is cylindrical, you could create a nurbs cylinder without caps, align it to your model and tweak its CVs to move them closer to the surface of your model. The shark animation that you see in the DemoReel of the description page and on the home page of is a poly model but it has a hidden Nurbs cylindrical shell on it, and it is this shell that is assigned to oceanSplash and is interacting with the ocean. Yes you are right in saying that it uses the intersection method to detect the 3D boundary of an object. With Regards, JAHANGIR HUSSAIN.

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