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OCEANSPLASH 1.1.3 for Maya (maya plugin)

OceanSplash is a plug-in for Maya(3D Application). This plug-in creates awesome splashes for your animated objects with in seconds, which otherwise would require even for an expert to spend days in order to create one

(qty: 1)

  • Check 16 Future Updates Included
  • Check 16 Highend3d Quality Checked
  • Check 16 Purchase Guarantee
  • Check 16 Support Included


  • 2012, 2011, 2010

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:04/30/2012
File Size: 14.3 MB


Unable to load

Submitted byxuyong xu xuyong xu
Why can not load the installationoSpmaya2011?

Comments on this bug:

  • baadhshah

    baadhshah said over 13 years ago:

    I am sorry Andjaj, currently the plugin is not available for Mac systems.
  • baadhshah

    baadhshah said over 13 years ago:

    1) Did you download and run the vcredist_x86.exe file that is available in website? If not then here is the link This is a runtime library file. You will need to execute this file only once. 2) Did you follow rest of the installation instructions in the readme.txt accompanied with the zip file If you have done the above and still are facing a problem then, Please give me the following details: 1) Name of your operating system? 2) Is your operating system 32 bit or 64 bit? (To check go to Start->Control panel-> System, "System type") 3) Are you using Maya2011 32 bit or Maya2011 64 bit? Sincerely, JAHANGIR HUSSAIN
  • agwesh

    agwesh said over 13 years ago:

    i have maya 2011 x64 with window 7 x64 and plug-in don't work !!
  • purewave

    purewave said over 13 years ago:

    I loaded this plugins successfully,but when I opened oceanSplash -->Build oSp engine window,then created a Nurbs plane , I was received a warning: "//Warning: Invalid Selection". At this time, Build oSp engine window's Curves and NURBS tabs were gray and could not be selected. I have run the vcredist_x86.exe file and follow the rest of the installation instructions in the readme.txt,but received the same warning . I run my Maya 2011 32bit on Windows 7 64bit. I also have tried running Maya 2011 32bit on Windows XP professional 32bits and Windows XP professional 64bits, but received the same warnings . Sorry for my poor English... Sincerely, Purewave
  • baadhshah

    baadhshah said over 13 years ago:

    It looks like you have selected only the NURBS plane. You must also select ocean or a pond to be able to build an oSp-Engine. Regards, JAHANGIR HUSSAIN.
  • baadhshah

    baadhshah said over 13 years ago:

    "i have maya 2011 x64 with window 7 x64 and plug-in don't work !!" The available version of oceansplash is 32bit and will not work in Maya 2011 x64. I will be uploading a 64-bit version of oceanSplash shortly. Regards, JAHANGIR HUSSAIN.
  • baadhshah

    baadhshah said over 13 years ago:

    Hello everybody! oceanSplash2010 (64-bit) and oceanSplash2011 (64-bit) is now add to download file. Regards to All, JAHANGIR HUSSAIN
  • Andjaj

    Andjaj said over 13 years ago:

    Is this Plugin available for Mac users? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

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