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MELProtector for Maya 1.2.2 for Maya (maya plugin)

Protect and encrypt MEL and Python code for Maya developers

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  • 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

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Last Modified:06/23/2013
File Size: 5.56 MB


mel, encrypt, compile, pymel

Feature Request


Submitted by:kjaft kjaft
Hi there, may be a dumb question, but is there an easy way to have the same for python scripts?

Comments on this feature request:

  • Rainrock

    Rainrock said over 14 years ago:

    It should be feasible. I'll check that.
  • Rainrock

    Rainrock said over 14 years ago:

    I think that there is a way of doing it by using Maya to protect the code and not Python as suggested in other websites - a way which should be very hard to reverse engineer. I will start working on it after I get at least _10 votes_.
  • kurianos3d

    kurianos3d said over 14 years ago:

    convert to pyc man ...
  • nicholasguan

    nicholasguan said over 14 years ago:

    Can you compile maya 2009 64bit ?
  • Strongwings

    Strongwings said almost 14 years ago:

    How 'bout 6 votes? ;) I didn't know this was possible. I write plenty of python tools but haven't had time to make the jump to C++, which was originally the only way I was going to sell them to keep my code more secure. What a great little tool!
  • Rainrock

    Rainrock said almost 14 years ago:

    6 makes it interesting. I'm going to start looking into what needs to be done... :)
  • Joojaa

    Joojaa said over 13 years ago:

    Python obfuscation tools exist already, but python is HARDER to entirely obfuscate than mel is. It is pretty easy to deduce your code anyway unless its a node. Essentially having the code protected is just a small hassle to anybody who would REALLY want to know how to do your code anyway, its not like the protection works for anybody seriously interested. Simply you can not protect code it must be readable at one time or another. (but if it can still be obscure) And off course it makes it much worse for your end user. Basically thats whet the law is for. So if you want protection write something thats actually worth having your support. As a interesting side note this is why you can find cracks to all software that are worth pirating. So in essence if your code is long, doing something useful and priced right then its protected intrinsically. if its short then its always easy to reverse engineer unfortunately, no matter how un-obvious it would be. However is it legal is another matter. Protection can make it harder, but basically needing protection either tells that you don't trust your clients, or that your code sucks in some way or another that makes it a attractive target for misuse. In which case you have already failed somewhere else. So mostly people pay for the convenience of having something that they can work on right now, if they would have the time and effort to even begin to bother to break your code you'll be screwed anyway.
  • Rainrock

    Rainrock said over 13 years ago:

    Actually we're not talking about obfuscation here as this is, as you've said, limited and can be compromised in one way or another. The idea behind Python protection is that the code is encrypted. This can only be done within the confines of a specific run-time environment such as Maya.

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