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DAC - Duplicate Along Curves 0.2.0 for Maya (maya plugin)

Duplicate Objects Along Curves

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  • 2012, 2011, 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008


Last Modified:03/16/2012
File Size: 5.79 KB


duplicate, along, instance


Not following curve in 2013

Submitted by: Jim Traverse Jim Traverse
Note: I'm trying this in Maya perhaps that explains things.

I've needed to distribute objects along a curve, and have been testing this. So far I cannot get it to distribute along the selected curve, a circle in my tests. It aligns the distributed copies of the object in a circle that appears to match the dimensions of my curve/circle, but the copies are simply placed in a circular pattern on the grid, not snapped along the curve I created and selected. 

Even so, I've not been able to get the objects to rotate their orientation around the curve (e.g. windows around a cylinder). They all seem to want to hold a similar orientation no matter what I've tried with the settings available. Perhaps a short tutorial would simplify things, if this is supposed to work in Maya 2013.

I seems a popular download, but I've just not be able to get it to work as I think it's supposed to. I also see an error that " line 85: 'module' object has no attribute 'MStatus'" if that helps anything.

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