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Nimo 0.0.2 for Maya

Cartoon rig with facial setup and RMM function.

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  • 2008, 8.x


Last Modified:11/13/2008
File Size: 398 KB
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  • Gangie81

    Gangie81 said almost 15 years ago:

    Hi it looks like a great the description it says that scaling occurs by translation rather than scaling and that this is important for the games industry...why is that?? COuld you perhaps explain it please?? Thanks so much!!
  • meepsqueak

    meepsqueak said about 16 years ago:

    It's a nice rig, but you completely neglected any UV mapping around the eyes. So if I try to change the color, the eyelids don't change with it.
  • Pooya Gharahgozli

    Pooya Gharahgozli said about 16 years ago:

    your rig is good, It's just not Scalable! and since you've modeled and rigged in high scales, it's almost impossible to use it with other rigs and environments! please fix the scalability ASAP
  • kiusuke

    kiusuke said about 16 years ago:

    thanks you all for your comment. The mesh will be changed very very soon (with the fixed bug).
  • lizardj

    lizardj said about 16 years ago:

    thanks so much for sharing it with the community!!!
  • bubbatt

    bubbatt said over 16 years ago:

    Hi .thanks for this quality rig.rig system and using is really excellent quality for demoreel.and ı read other comment but ı think this one has an orginal shape.face is perfect be cause full asimetrical shapes are easy to pose.and face has a nice shape .but maybe hand controller shapes are redesign for more simple selection.ı mean that(sorry for my bad english),at a pose ,selected controllers are represents positions at first looking (they are rotated or etc..and maybe you may add belly squash stretching for styling the body.but totaly excellent rig.thanks
  • ajitsinghyadav

    ajitsinghyadav said over 16 years ago:

    Great rig but need to work on model......

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