I've Modeled ,designed ,Rendered this scene with 3dSmax8.0 in 3 days. This is a sample for clients. I'm looking for Full/Part time jobs in CA/US and Australia. I hope you like it. Ebad Ahmadzadeh Ebad.Ahmadzadeh@gmail.com
iuf you can\'t find a job with this sort of portofolio then I thin we\'re all in trouble. lol Man you\'re good, serious ly good and inspiring. I onl hope that I get to work with someone like you one day to inspire me to be better at what I can dream to achieve.
thank you for sharing your work
cant really say that i like the shot. It is very plain. Like white bread with nothing on it. Sorry, but the shot have barely anything in it. Its too close of a shot to get much of a feel, other than feeling cramped