Lt. Edmund J. McArthur: Ghost - turnaround
By Jericho740 on February 12, 2010

Name: Lt. Edmund J. MacArthur
age: 55
status: deceased (married in life to Victoria E. MacArthur)
Occupation: Lieutenant in the Continental Army
work responsible for on character model:
modeling, UV’s, texturing/surfacing, rigging, animation, lighting, rendering.
This is a character I created for my fully animated senior
thesis/film. His name is Lt. Edmund J. MacArthur
In the film, Nigel breaks into a tomb belonging to the Revolutionary War hero… Lt. Edmund J. McArthur. Nigel Orm knows the rumors about the valuables buried with the Lieutenant. After busting through the tomb door with a crow bar in hand, the thief cautiously creeps towards the sarcophagus that holds the decayed remains. Sliding the heavy lid open, he begins his search for anything that may hold monetary value, ignoring the disgusting sight of the putrid corpse. But as he does; something is awakened from its slumber and is about to give Mr. Orm the scare of his life.
To find out what happens check out my senior film:
Any Feed back would be greatly appreciated!
age: 55
status: deceased (married in life to Victoria E. MacArthur)
Occupation: Lieutenant in the Continental Army
work responsible for on character model:
modeling, UV’s, texturing/surfacing, rigging, animation, lighting, rendering.
This is a character I created for my fully animated senior
thesis/film. His name is Lt. Edmund J. MacArthur
In the film, Nigel breaks into a tomb belonging to the Revolutionary War hero… Lt. Edmund J. McArthur. Nigel Orm knows the rumors about the valuables buried with the Lieutenant. After busting through the tomb door with a crow bar in hand, the thief cautiously creeps towards the sarcophagus that holds the decayed remains. Sliding the heavy lid open, he begins his search for anything that may hold monetary value, ignoring the disgusting sight of the putrid corpse. But as he does; something is awakened from its slumber and is about to give Mr. Orm the scare of his life.
To find out what happens check out my senior film:
Any Feed back would be greatly appreciated!