Alice Kick DOF pass
By Giul Viera on August 27, 2010

Alice Kick DOF pass
DOF render pass in maya 2011
rig: ownload poseMan.mel 1.2.7 created by Francis Vega, (or copy it from the mel folder I provided into your scripts directory.) copy the 'poseman/Alice' folder where you set your project directory. You can also download advancedSkeleton 3.1.2 from if you want to use those tools. Alice is a very lorez and fast and friendly to Maya animators. She does not require any special plugins or scripts. However if your interested I have included a couple tools to make this rig a little more flexable and fun to use. She is setup using Maya 2008 with advancedSkeleton 3.1.2 from and a Jason Osipa style facial setup, with a 'starter' library of poses and visemes using poseMan.mel 1.2.7 created by Francis Vega. You don't have to use any of these scripts or plugins if you dont want to, but I do recommend them..... Free stuff! You may use these scenes files for personal noncommercial use only, do not sell or redistribute them in any way without my permission....Please!!! would love to hear from you let me know what you think, send me an email
DOF render pass in maya 2011
rig: ownload poseMan.mel 1.2.7 created by Francis Vega, (or copy it from the mel folder I provided into your scripts directory.) copy the 'poseman/Alice' folder where you set your project directory. You can also download advancedSkeleton 3.1.2 from if you want to use those tools. Alice is a very lorez and fast and friendly to Maya animators. She does not require any special plugins or scripts. However if your interested I have included a couple tools to make this rig a little more flexable and fun to use. She is setup using Maya 2008 with advancedSkeleton 3.1.2 from and a Jason Osipa style facial setup, with a 'starter' library of poses and visemes using poseMan.mel 1.2.7 created by Francis Vega. You don't have to use any of these scripts or plugins if you dont want to, but I do recommend them..... Free stuff! You may use these scenes files for personal noncommercial use only, do not sell or redistribute them in any way without my permission....Please!!! would love to hear from you let me know what you think, send me an email