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refreshTextures 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Refreshes all changed textures

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  • 2010


Last Modified:08/21/2012
File Size: 3.32 KB


texture, Workflow


Further explaination needed.

Submitted by: ng.aniki ng.aniki
Hello, vould you please be more precise, I cannot get you plugin to work.

>then import as normal (example below)
>python "import refreshTextures";   /    "reload(refreshTextures)";
>source "refreshTextures.mel", and execute AutoRefreshTexture; (best stick this in a shelf)

1-Do we need to go into the python console and type those 2 commands everytimes we launch the maya ? 
2-If we put this in a shelf we will need two buttons right ? One for the python first, then one for the mel ?

Anyway, by doing all through the command console, it is now working, I import the python script, use the reload function, the console returns "# Result: <module 'refreshTextures' from 'E:/MyDocuments/maya/2012-x64/scripts\refreshTextures.pyc'> #"
So it seems to be working.

Then I source the mel and launch the AutorefreshTexture command, the small popup appears, and... Nothing. It does not even reload textures once. (I have no logs in the console about the plugin)

Replies to this question:

  • Replyindent

    ng.aniki said over 12 years ago:

    I forgot, I am using Maya 2012 x64, maybe the plugin is not suported anymore ?
  • svartberg

    svartberg said over 12 years ago:

    Sorry just saw your message now, have only tested this on Maya 2010, no idea if it works in 2012 or not ...

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