Sep 2009
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Sep 2009
Sep 2009

I keep trying to save my my custom shelf in the Shelf Editor, but each time I close out Maya and reopen it the buttons don't save. Am I missing a setting somewhere?

Is it possible that the target file/folder is locked by your operating system

Depends on operating system. So which is it. (i can only test this on windooze so while i can do this on all sytems i cant test it so i cant say offhand for others, read thy operating systems help)

Update: if I create a button on an existing Shelf, the button will save. It's only when I try and make a new shelf that the buttons won't save.

go to your


folder and chek wether or not a file named shelf_yourShelfName.mel appears there if so rmb on it and select properties chat that its not read only. then go to the security/permission tab and chak that your username has a writing permission to thet file. If the file does not exist chek the same thing for the folder

No go still. I tried changing the folder so it's not "read only" but it's crazy hard to figure out in Windows XP. I spent hours.

Try issuing a save ouside going out of maya and see if it issues a a error.

Is it possible your shelf name has not got unlegal characters

but it's crazy hard to figure out in Windows XP. I spent hours.

Um no its actually not any harder than any other oeprating system. Its abut the 10 th thing you should learn about computers actually.

ou can issue a save by calling

saveAllShelves $gShelfTopLevel;

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