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MooM Rig with GUI 1.8.0 for Maya

GUI update for 2011

Button download


  • 2011

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:10/07/2010
File Size: 2.49 MB


GUI, Rig, moom, Rig, moom, GUI


Missing Controls (Mac)

Submitted by: vannick douglas vannick douglas
I'm having a dilemma with the controls. When I open the control window, I don't get any key controls other than the one on top of the head and under the "Deformers" tab there's no controls at all. I'm not sure if its the files or something I did wrong, am I the onlt person with this issue and what can I do to fix it?

Replies to this question:

  • blacksrv

    blacksrv said over 14 years ago:

    I don't have a mac to test, but try changing line 137 and 138 to: -attachForm $clavicleRgtCTL "top" 0; -attachForm $clavicleRgtCTL "left" 0; And see if you have a button/red square behind the "Select ALL" button (you should able to see the borders), if you can see it then the error is the top and left coordinates, if you can't, I have no idea what's the error (I assume do you have ybutton and rbutton in the icon folder).
  • vannick douglas

    vannick douglas said over 14 years ago:

    Yeah, I tried it and the red border does appear behind the SELECT ALL button. I have absolutely no knowledge of Python or Mel scripting, is there an easy way to fix this?
  • blacksrv

    blacksrv said over 14 years ago:

    it's not too complicated, from line 167 to 260 you have all the coordinates for the first tab (Body), from 342 to 393 deformers tab, each item (square) has 2 coordinates top and left, I believe that's your problem, try to change one and see if you can locate it.
  • vannick douglas

    vannick douglas said over 14 years ago:

    Okay cool. The controls are there, it's just invisible since I dont see the boxes. Thanks for the help :)

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