May 2010
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May 2010
May 2010

What I am trying to do is to click somewhere on the face and rotate it around point where I've clicked. is that possible in Maya?

Enable tumble pivot in the Tumble Tool options (View > Camera Tools > Tumble [options])

i think almankos means the geometry. Yes sure why not use a dragger context. in any case maya know how to do this the workflow is just clunky.

Select what you want, Make object live hold d down when you click on teh face unpress d and rotate. You can simplufy this a bit  with a selection context making it 1 click after initial selection

ok, I get it. but I cannot imagine it working smooth, like 1 click and hold and I can already rotate selection freely around point where my mouse pointer was...I've seen this workflow in lightwave and was surprised how cool and handy it can be.

thank you for your support.

You can make it work smooth theres no real reason for it not to its not a big deal to do. I can take a look at this if you want but again im swamped for the foreseeable 2 months.

Its really just one raycast and a transform operation, bundled together. Plus all the user inetrface sugar youd want on top offcourse. No more than say 3 hours of work for any remotely competent TD. This is even more trivial than your mirror question.

PS: just out of curiosity do you want a gimbal rotate or viewport direction 2d rotate?

more like gimbal rotate. here are some manually done examples:

Ok ill hack something together on my spare time like i said might take some time.

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