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Maya to After Effects (MAE) 1.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

Export cameras and locators from Maya to After Effects

Button download


  • 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:12/16/2016
File Size: 8.31 KB


maya to ae fix?

Submitted by: winstonbrum winstonbrum
I have just used your maya camera and locators to after fx and the results seems just a bit off is there some thing I'm forgetting or a quick fix for this?

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    Victor Rijo

    Victor Rijo said almost 9 years ago:

    Hi winstonbrum, Make sure that the frame rate of your image sequence match your composition in after effects. I think after effects by default imports image sequences at 30fps. Change it to 24 ftps. Let me know.
  • winstonbrum

    winstonbrum said almost 9 years ago:

    Yeah I check all the frame rates and thats all good.
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    Victor Rijo

    Victor Rijo said almost 9 years ago:

    Can you share with me the scene or a video? to see exactly whats going on.
  • winstonbrum

    winstonbrum said almost 9 years ago:

    Thx I got it sorted, the maya camera far needed to be default. Cheers

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