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Jiggle Box Tool - Automating secondary motion 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Automate secondary movement on characters and props.

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Last Modified:01/19/2014
File Size: 12.1 KB


secondary, Rig


Connecting a Tentavle to Exsisting Rig

Submitted by: Rikku_Yheng Rikku_Yheng

I am using Jiggle Box Tentacle to create secondary motion on a cape thats attached to my charecter.

I am having a hard time getting the tentacle joints to parent properly to the Rigs joints.

Once they parent the tentacle joints will follow the rig.


Once I create the Tentacle the joints no longer follow the human rig.

Perhaps my order on doing things is wrong and you could tell me the proper steps.

How can I use jiggle box to create secondary movement to parts of an already exsisting rig?

I watched your shark video but that is create a stand alone rig and did not help me.

I am using Maya 2015

Thank you

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    Ayan Akbar

    Ayan Akbar said over 9 years ago:

    Hey Rikku, Apologies for my late response. So here is what might be causing the parenting issue . Since the joints are based on dynamics they follow the hair follicle for that particle joint chain . If you parent the hair follicle to your characters joint , the chain should start to work. You might have to look in the outliner to hunt for them. As for creating this with existing joints , its not possible with this script , you can only create chains from scratch . This tool is limited in that sense , its the best I could do as a student at the time :P I hope this helps you somewhat . send me a message if you need more help . Sorry again for my late response. TC

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