Sep 2012
1 / 3
Sep 2012
Jan 2013

So im trying to kick out render passes (beauty, diffuse, spec, incandesences ect...) for fluids but the only thing that gets kicked out is a beauty pass. If been searching around and came across a three point rgb lighting technique but unsure on how it completely works or set up. I also heard about some type of object volume shader technique. How does that work. Any help would completely appreciated. Ive attached a screen shot of what i'm trying to accomplish.

  • created

    Sep '12
  • last reply

    Jan '13
  • 2


  • 5.6k


  • 1


3 months later

Turn on real lights on the fluid then you want ot create 3 directional lights for each axis, one that is red green and blue.

Make sure in your render when you click to view only the red or blue or green channel that it should look like only one side of the fluid is lit.  

There's a script you can use to make the lights for you, but adding three lights one R G and blue is the easiest way.    

You're going to be faking depth and shadow passes out of maya fluids using layer overrides on the fluid.  

If you want alot of render pass options I suggest you check out Houdini.   

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