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Brick Generator & Build A Brick 1.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

A tool for creating toy building bricks.

Button download


  • 2015, 2014, 2013

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:11/26/2014
File Size: 2.17 MB


How to access the tool

Submitted by: raumal raumal
Hello Nathan,

I just installed this plugin as my very first plugin in maya at all. My question now is: How can I access the tool?  
I am running Maya 2015 on Mac. Thanks in advance! 

Best regards 

Replies to this question:

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    raumal said over 8 years ago:

    Hello Nathan, first of all thank you for your super quick reply. Didn't expect any reply at all since you didn't develop your tool just recently. Really appreciate it :) Anyway i ran the code in the readme.txt, but the one you sent works now. When I run it in the python script window it gives me this yellow warning: "# Warning: Pixmap file BuildaBrick/BuildABrick_Logo.png not found, using default." but it actually creates something. Namely a blue BG button and a blank button right beside it, which has no function (see the attached screenshot). If I click the blank button (which should be the green one), i get this red warning: "# Error: RuntimeError: file /Users/raphaela/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/2015-x64/scripts/ line 59: Could not load or find icon "BuildABrick/BuildABrick_selectedButton.png"." Update: Because of this is checked again if I did everything like in the readme file and there was actually the icon folder missing which is just a result of me being tired. Sorry for bothering you anyway. So as I tried it not only once before i figured out what was the error, I have redundant button pairs now as you can see in the attached image. All the buttons work now, but do you have an idea how to delete the unnecessary ones? Thanks for helping me read and again thanks in advance :)
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    nathanlwrnc said over 8 years ago:

    Hey Raumal, Thanks for downloading my tool. Providing you have put the files and icons in the correct locations, which can be found in the Read Me.txt ,you'll need to run the following pieces of python code in the script editor: import BrickGen_v01_1 reload(BrickGen_v01_1) BrickGen_v01_1.importBrickGen() import BuildABrick_v01 reload(BuildABrick_v01) BuildABrick_v01.importBuildABrick() This will create two buttons on your currently active shelf where you will be able to launch the tools. Attached is an image highlighting the tools in Maya. Regards, Nathan.

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