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Brake disk anisotropic Shader 1.0.0 for Maya

Brakedisk Anisotropic shader

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  • 7.x, 6.x, 5.x, 4.x


Last Modified:12/16/2016
File Size: 1.25 MB


Copy of Documentation

Submitted by: winxamitosis winxamitosis
As the original Site no longer has a link to the documentation, i did a quick trawl of the internet archive and rescued this for anyone who wanted to see the documentation.

(link to the archived article)


Want to build a Brakedisk but lack a good shader for the surface?
so take a look at this shader....

It's a shader which has been made for Maya 6.0
But if you don't have Maya 6.0 you also can easily change the head attributes in any other maya version simply by editing the head entry's witch contain "Maya 6.0"

this shader has been tested in Maya 6.0 but should work well with other Maya versions

use the shader for the front part of a brake disk (best would be a NURBS-patched Object) the shader is then made for planar trimmed surfaces.
It will use the UV 1-0 space to map a cirular anisotropic specular and also in the bump attribute a circular
Bump texture.

Attention: So be aware that the Disc center is also in the UV-Coordinates at the center, otherwise your Texture will not match to the disk. (NURBS don't have a UV-Map, but automatically span from 0 to 1 of the UV-Space)
This shader is NOT working when used a revolved surface. In this case you have to remove the UV rotation attribute so this shader will produce long streaks in the revolved direction maybe you have to rotade the UV-Coordinates by 90°
(also the anisotropic rotation map must be removed in this case).

When you import the shaders you will recognize, that there are two shaders:

The MI_Brakedisk_SHDR node is for Mental Ray rendering, because mental ray for Maya 6.0 doesn't support UV-Rotaiton so I baked it in a extra FileTextureNode. Everything else is just simply the same with the Brakedisk_SHDR, which generates the riffles by some mayanodes.

NOTE: if you need a higher resolution for the MI-shader just map the bump texture to the color input of a empty shader (e.g. a lambert) assign then the lambert to the Brakedisk surface and bake the texture in your desired resolution (Attention: renderer must be set to Maya Software to get a useful result). Afterwards replace the FileTexture image by the new baked texture.

That's it.

you Now can set some reflection enviroment and some illumination light letting the disk appear like shown above :)
- good Luck

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