by manual

Let us now shown how to compile the sample program from scratch.
First, you will need to download the full ANN distribution,
and make a copy of the file sample ann_sample.cpp.

Copy Files: First, copy all the les to a location above That suits your preferences.
For the sake of illustration, we will make The following assumptions in the Subsequent presentation,
but you may use whatever directory you like (in fact, They can all just be The Same directory).

Fi Source: Copy the sample.cpp the ann to a directory containing your source project fi les, say, C: \ My Sources.

Includes fi les: Copy the contents of the directory ANN,
Which contains the three ANN include fi les,
to include in your directory where les are stored, say, C: Includes NMY.
(Alternatively, you can store this in the default directory where the linker looks for standard libraries,
something like C: \ Program FilesnMicrosoft Visual Studio. NET 2003 \ Vc7 \ include.)

Lib fi: Copy the directory where the ANN.lib in to your library les are stored,
say, C: \ My Libs. (Alternatively, you can store this in the default directory
where the linker looks for standard libraries, something like,
C: \ Program FilesnMicrosoft Visual Studio. NET 2003 \ Vc7 \ lib.)

DLL fi: Copy the ANN.dll to the directory where your DLL to les are stored, say,
C: \ My DLLS. (Alternatively, you can store this in the system directory on your path environment variable, say, C: \ WINDOWS \ system32.)
Create a New Project: Open Visual Studio. NET and select the command \ New Project. "Select the appropriate project type.
For ann sample, this will be \ Win32 Console Project. "
Enter the Desired project name (say, \ ann sample ") and enter the path name of the directory where you would like the project les to be stored.
(This may just be The Same That directory contains ann sample.cpp sources.)

Add the Source: Select the menu option \ Project "! \ Add Existing Item" and use the browser
window to select your copy of the sample.cpp the ann.

I have copied into visual studio, the "include" and "lib"
I have copied into system32, the file "dll".
when I create the example and try to compile.
visual studio gives me many errors

I'm trying to write a "field" plugin for maya using ANN.

This is the first problem:

1> Creating library Debug/testField.lib and object Debug/testField.exp
1>testField.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) void __cdecl annDeallocPts(double * * &)" (__imp_?annDeallocPts@@YAXAEAPEAPEAN@Z) referenced in function "public: virtual class MStatus __cdecl testField::compute(class MPlug const &,class MDataBlock &)" (?compute@testField@@UEAA?AVMStatus@@AEBVMPlug@@AE AVMDataBlock@@@Z)
1>Debug\testField.mll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

can you help me??!
thanks andrea 

ps. forgive me, I'm newbie in c++ 

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