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Align Tool 1.2.0 for Maya (maya script)

Align objects tool like 3dsmax's one (with interactive feedback))

Button download


  • 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:09/09/2015
File Size: 12.1 KB


Align, matrix


Install Problem

Submitted by: Al Ataide Al Ataide

Running Win7 & Maya 2013

Downloaded PyQT from your link
Ran sip.exe as admin. I opens a command prompt window with a flashing cursor but nothing happens
Ran pyrcc4.exe as admin but got an error saying that qtcore4.dll is missing
Ran pylupdate4.exe and got the same error
Tried Dll-Files Fixer but that didn't work
Downloaded qtcore4.dll, copied it to system32
Now when running the py executables I get:
"The application was unable to start correctly (0c000007b)"

Any tips to get this working?

Replies to this question:

  • Replyindent

    focusgfx said over 11 years ago:

    wow WOW, what is all this ? the installation is very simple for maya 2013 just -download the files copy the folder "Python" to your maya installation directory /lib/Python, overwrite the existing directory if asked then replace the line in the script with the path to the .ui file, that simple.
  • Todd Gunther

    Todd Gunther said over 11 years ago:

    I apologize in advance but I'm an artist and not a programmer. I'm also new to both Maya (2014 64 bit) AND to Mac OS(10.8.4) which I'm using at the moment. I believe I've got everything in the correct folders and changed the location for the uiFile. But I get this error message after I've selected my objects in my scene and press the Align tool button. "Line 51 : Unable to open/read ui device" Any ideas on what I may have done wrong? :P Thanks for creating this tool! I'm looking forward to using it!

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