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Maya Icon Creator 1.1.0

Shelf icon creator for Maya

Button download


Last Modified:08/31/2010
File Size: 59.8 KB


maya, creator, adobe, AIR

Feature Request

custom backgrounds and colors?

Submitted by:Dariusz Lacheta Dariusz Lacheta
nice tool! but can you add ability to add custom background from file and ability to choose any color not just defined ones?

Comments on this feature request:

  • Meigo Kukk

    Meigo Kukk said over 14 years ago:

    You can paste hex code of custom color to the textfield before color swatch ( It could be picked with Color Cop app from anywhere for example). As application saves it's state when closed (also folder where file was saved last time) you don't have to do it every time you start it. Loading file for background would be possible though i guess it wouldn't be very practical. It was meant to be simple to generate ans save basic but informative icon within 5 seconds and that's it :)

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